Atmore News

APSO partners with Habitat
Alabama Power Service Organization (APSO)  is partnering with Habitat for Humanity in Escambia County to help provide a home for a local family. On Thursday, July 27, APSO volunteers helped with demolition work at a Habitat property located at 507 East Craig Street in Atmore. The home was donated to Habitat by Thomas Lane. Over the next few months, the property will be going through a series of upgrades and…
More rural burglaries
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies and investigators are looking into another rash of vehicle burglaries that have plagued one of the county’s rural areas in recent days. Auto break-ins were reported in the areas around Canoe and Wawbeek, where firearms were again the main target of the burglar or burglars. Jewelry, money and electronics were also taken from the vehicles that were illegally entered, all of which were reportedly left…
There’s still time
To get tickets for Annie The Greater Escambia Council for the Arts production of Annie runs four times this week and weekend – then it’s over. Shows are Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 3-5, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, August 6, at 2 p.m. Tickets are $7 for GECA members, $10 for non-members. You may get tickets at Atmore News, 128 S. Main Street, or at the box office IF the…
This younger generation
“What’s this younger generation coming to?!” I’m sure you’ve heard that before … and probably said it yourself. Well, if you’d been at the Distinguished Young Women program Saturday night, you’d see what this generation is coming to. Fifteen young ladies did fitness routines, performed talent selections, and answered questions in front of an auditorium full of people. I kept thinking, “I could never do that.” Not at that age,…