Atmore News

BOE approves personnel recommendations
The Escambia County Board of Education approved the following personnel recommendations by Superintendent John Knott at a called meeting Wednesday, August 2. It’s a common occurrence this time of year for the BOE to hold special meetings to address personnel. Resignations 1. Stephen Murray, science teacher, Escambia County High School, effective July 17, 2017. 2. Jacob Salter, PE teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective July 24, 2017. 3. Michal Stallworth,…
Free trees available – Join Arbor Day Foundation in August
Everyone who joins the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation with a $10 donation will receive 10 free Colorado blue spruce trees or 10 white flowering dogwood trees through the Foundation’s Trees for America campaign. The trees will be shipped postpaid between October 15 and December 10, depending on the right time for planting in each member’s area. The 6- to 12-inch trees are guaranteed to grow or they will be replaced…
New Brewton tech firm to hire 300
Provalus, a subsidiary of IT solutions company Optomi of Roswell, Ga., announced this week that it had chosen Brewton as its new U.S. headquarters and will eventually hire 300 or more workers at the facility. Provalus provides a wide range of IT-related services to clients in such fields as manufacturing, defense contracting, retail, food services and others. The company’s Brewton employees will be part of teams responsible for such services…
Community Calendar
Escambia County Republican Executive Committee August 2017 meeting will be held Monday, August 21, 6 p.m., at Acapulco’s, 300 E. Church St., Atmore. Guest speaker will be Alice Martin, candidate for Alabama Attorney General. For more information, call Jackie Gay, 251-809-4322. The Escambia County (Ala) Historical Society will meet Tuesday, August 22 at 3 p.m. at McMillan Museum on the Brewton campus. Sean Dietrich, columnist and novelist will be the…