News Staff Report
The Alabama State Missionary Baptist Convention Southwest District Women’s Auxiliary Eighth Annual Fellowship Banquet was held in Atmore June 25. The banquet benefited Selma University.
It was only fitting that an Atmore resident who is a Selma University graduate was included in the printed program and honored. She is also a member of the host church – Greater Mt. Triumph Missionary Baptist Church.
The honoree is Sis. Voncile Montgomery Stallworth.
Sis. Stallworth received her early education at the Escambia County Training School, and while at the same time becoming a lifelong member of her only church, the Greater Mt. Triumph Missionary Baptist Church, under the leadership of Pastor W. A. Jones. She journeyed to Selma University, where she received her degree. She furthered her education, receiving the B.S. Degree, the M. ED. Degree and the A.A. Certification from Alabama State University. She taught school in Holmes County, Mississippi; and Conecuh and Escambia counties, Alabama.
As a young student at Selma University, Sis. Stallworth was taught many principles and virtues of life; one in particular, which guided her life today is, “If I can help someone along life’s way, then my life will not be in vain.” She continues to liberally give of her service and financial support to Selma University and several other institutions.
As a member of her church, the Greater Mt. Triumph Missionary Baptist Church, Sis. Stallworth serves in many capacities, to name a few, President of the Usher Board, Chairman of the Trustee Board, Sunday School Teacher / Past Director of Children’s Choir and past member of the Senior Choir.
She plays a vital role in local as well as state affairs: a member of the Alabama Democratic Conference and the Escambia County Democratic Conference; past Board of Directors member of the Atmore Chamber of Commerce; poll worker for many years; member of Zoning Board; past worker for Heart Fund; lifelong member of NEA, AEA, ARTA, ECRTA serving as vice president for two years; ACRTA Committee member for the state; State of Alabama Historian; membership and office holder in the Masonic Family; Order of the Eastern Star, the Heroines of Jericho, the Daughters of Isis, the Colden Circle, and the Order of Cyrene Crusaders.
For her dedicated and unselfish political, social, religious, and educational work, she became the recipient of many plaques and awards, being the first to receive the outstanding Rosa Parks Award for Atmore. On October 14, 2017, she was the recipient of The Bethlehem District Association #2 Service Award which was presented during the 148th Annual Session. It represented her outstanding and lasting contribution of more than forty years as Instructor of The District Department of Ushers and the District Department of The Christian Home.
Sis. Stallworth believes that this race is not given to the swift, nor strong, but to those who endure to the end. She believes as stated in Hebrews, Chapter 12 that “we must run this race patiently, and stay focus by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.”