Community News

Plan now for ECTS Gathering

News Staff Report

The annual Escambia County Training School Eagles Gathering will be different this year. Founder and organizer Barbara Poole Harris wants her classmates to know in plenty of time to make plans to attend.
The date for the Gathering is October 18 at Wind Creek. The cost per person is $70, and the deadline to make your reservation is July 31. Please note: no refunds; no cash or checks will be accepted. Submit money orders payable to ECTS Alumni Gathering to 215 M.L. King Avenue, Atmore AL 36502.
To purchase a ticket, please check with your class leader.
The dress code for the event is black / gold or black and gold.
The ECTS Gathering president is Martha Bell Stewart Wilson; vice president is Barbara Poole Harris; finance committee chair is Rachel Brown Wiggins; and advisor is Dr. Max Parker.
Note: If funds are left after all expenses are covered, funds will be added to the ECTS Alumni Scholarships Fund and will be distributed in May 2026 to high school students.