
Lions Club hosts FVDG

Joyce Petty, left, and Jessica Kyser

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club held its first March meeting of the year on March 5 at the Mayson Auditorium in Atmore Community Hospital. Club president, Lion Joyce Petty, called the meeting to order and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mike Von Keyserling said the blessing.
Jessica Kyser, the newly elected First Vice District Governor, was our speaker for the meeting. Her mother accompanied her and she and Andrew Garner from the news media were guests.
Plans were repeated for the OWA Diabetes Walk which be held March 8. A brief outline for the State Convention in Montgomery April 24-27 was presented. It was announced that our golf tournament will be March 27 at the Atmore Country Club. Anyone interested in having a team can contact Taylor Lee at PHD Realty. Jessica, who is blind, lives in Montgomery and is a member of the Montgomery Dixie club where she has served as president for three years. She is a Melvin Jones Fellow, has been a Zone Chair, Regional Zone Chair, and a Guiding Lion. She enjoys all areas of Lions service, but not surprisingly, Vision is her favorite.
She said, “It touches my heart when I am able to get someone an eye exam and glasses.”
She works with children in Children’s Church and is active in the Women’s Missionary Union of her Baptist church. She enjoys adventurous activities such as kayaking, zip lining, and parasailing. Jessica’s aim currently is to visit all the clubs in her district so she can get to know the members and the projects they are involved in, to help rejuvenate clubs with problems, and to recruit members, all the while helping all clubs to grow and succeed.