
Lions attend conference in Montgomery

Special to Atmore News

Three members from the Atmore Lions Club attended the Multiple District Lions Leadership Conference at Faulkner University in Montgomery on Saturday, August 3.
Representing Atmore was Atmore Lions Club president Joyce Petty, and members Bub Gideons and Nancy Karrick.
The three attended meetings about Lions Club International Fund, Alabama Lions Sight, Membership, Leo Clubs, Public Relations, Successful Projects, and training for new officers.
One interesting event is coming up in June 2025, and that is the 100th anniversary of Helen Keller challenging Lions to become Knights of the Blind. Lions were told about the service opportunities which would be available before and during that historic event. The keynote speaker was Mara Phillips, who works with Leader Dogs for the Blind. Her excellent presentation told how puppies are raised and taught to be leader dogs, as well as how the blind are trained to use one of the dogs in their daily life.