News Staff Writer
The following felony arrest was reported by officers of the Atmore Police Department (APD) during the period March 9-15:
Brian Pena Sanchez

The 35-year-old Gulf Breeze, Fla. man, apparently unhappy with most of the drivers he encountered on March 13, was arrested on a felony drug charge when he decided to vent his anger.
APD reports show that a patrol officer pulled Sanchez’s vehicle over around 4:55 p.m. after receiving reports of “a reckless driving-road rage incident on [Alabama] Highway 21” and a description of the vehicle, which “had nearly caused several collisions with other vehicles.”
The officer noted that Sanchez was “extremely confrontational and yelling about other drivers.” The policeman also noted the presence of “multiple empty beer cans in the vehicle, as well as items that are commonly used to ingest narcotics.”
A K9 unit was called, and the dog indicated some type of illicit substance was in the vehicle. Discovered during the probable-cause search were several grams of synthetic cannabis (Spice), along with several items of drug paraphernalia that were scattered throughout the vehicle.
Sanchez was jailed on one count each of possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia and was issued citations for violation of open container statutes, driving without a driver’s license in his possession, and driving with an expired license.
He remained in the Escambia County Detention Center Monday morning, March 17.