Don Fletcher

Church in flames
Lightning strike triggers destructive blaze at First Presbyterian Firefighters sprayed thousands of gallons of water on the flames. By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer State investigators have confirmed that a lightning strike was responsible for the Saturday, March 15, fire that effectively destroyed First Presbyterian Church of Atmore’s sanctuary and connected buildings.Alabama Fire Marshal’s Office investigators were on the scene early Sunday and announced Monday that lightning — spawned by a…
Plea deals
By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer English For the third time in just over a year, an individual initially charged with capital murder in the shooting death of an Atmore resident was allowed to swap a plea to much lesser charges for a time-served release from jail.The most recent occurrence came last week, when retired Baldwin County Circuit Judge Charles Partin, who was appointed to hear the capital case against Anthony…
EA’s Webster is AISA’s top coach; Watson, Stevens earn All-State honors
Webster By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer Jerome Webster, who guided Escambia Academy’s boys basketball team to this season’s Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) Class A state championship, has been selected by the Alabama Sports Writers Association (ASWA) as the state’s AISA Coach of the Year.One of Webster’s veteran players earned a first-team slot on ASWA’s all-classification All State team, and a senior who was playing his first full season at…
Food scores released
The following Escambia County food / lodging establishment ratings were released by the Alabama Department of Public Health for February. Ratings are ranked by score, low to high. FSE = Food Service Establishment Country Express #2, Brewton , 86, limited food Little Hands Childcare Center, East Brewton , 87, daycare food service Quick Stop Food Mart, LLC, Atmore, 87, FSE HNM 103 LLC, S Blvd., Brewton, 87, FSE HNM 102…
Road rage incident lands Fla. man in jail for Spice possession
By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer The following felony arrest was reported by officers of the Atmore Police Department (APD) during the period March 9-15:Brian Pena Sanchez Sanchez The 35-year-old Gulf Breeze, Fla. man, apparently unhappy with most of the drivers he encountered on March 13, was arrested on a felony drug charge when he decided to vent his anger.APD reports show that a patrol officer pulled Sanchez’s vehicle over around…