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March is Social Work Month, a month to celebrate social work professionals and their many contributions to the state and nation. The theme for 2025 is “Social Work: Compassion + Action.” This theme emphasizes how social workers dedicate their lives to helping others while addressing societal challenges and promoting well-being.
In the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), social workers serve as members of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals skilled in using social work values, knowledge, and community resources to promote positive health outcomes. Their work is done while respecting personal choice.
Bill Kennedy, director of Public Health Social Work, said, “Alabama Public Health’s Mission is to promote, protect, and improve Alabama’s health. Public health social workers address barriers to help improve the health of the people and communities we serve.”
Social workers respect personal choice and promote the health and well-being of individuals, groups and communities. They educate and advocate for changes to improve poor outcomes related to social determinants of health. Social workers have undergone formal education, training, and licensure to ensure they practice ethically and according to professional standards to protect the public and provide the highest level of care.
Social workers provide direct service to many Alabamians in a variety of settings and programs in the department. An important part of their work is to connect people with resources, advocate for their needs, and promote healthier communities.
ADPH programs in which social workers serve include the following: the Alabama Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program, the Alabama Personal Responsibility Education Program, ALL Kids Children’s Health Insurance, Child Car Seat Training, Diabetes Self-Education, Elevated Lead, Emergency Preparedness, Family Planning Care Coordination, HIV Care Coordination, Home Health, Licensure and Certification, Health Equity and Minority Health, Maternity Mortality Review, Newborn Hearing Screening, Newborn Screening Care Coordination, STD, Suicide Prevention, Telehealth, Tobacco Prevention, TB, Well Woman and WISEWOMAN programs.
Information about the ADPH and its programs for Alabamians of all ages is available at https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/about/programs.html.