Special to Atmore News
Atmore Lions Club President Joyce Petty called the February 5 meeting at Atmore Community Hospital to order. She led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and said the prayer.
Lion Brett Helton introduced the guest speaker, Coach Hugh Fountain. Following lunch, members discussed volunteer opportunities at the District Convention of Lions to be held in Atmore February 22. They were also asked to mark their calendars on March 8 as the OWA diabetes walk and April 24-27 for the state Lions convention to be held in Montgomery.
Hugh Fountain, a 38-year football coach, now at W. S. Neal, spoke to members about ways to deal with students, saying you needed to know and understand who the child is, where he comes from, and what his life is like to know what you have to deal with when mentoring. He stressed the importance of a good religious background, a desire to become a better person. and a stable home life as key elements in becoming a successful person.
The next meeting will be February 19 at Atmore Community Hospital.