
Lions hear program on election process

Billy Blair, left, and Doug Agerton

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club met on September 4, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. President Lion Joyce Petty called the meeting to order and Mike Von Keyserling gave the blessing. Judge Doug Agerton, Natalie Rogers, and John Robert Fountain were introduced as participants in the program.
Following lunch, Lion Petty asked Billy Blair to introduce his speaker for the program, Doug Agerton, chief of the Election Committee, who then introduced the other two members of his team, Natalie Rogers and John Robert Fountain. Agerton explained how the election process works in Escambia County and Fountain, who is the Circuit Clerk of Escambia County and in charge of absentee voting, explained that process in detail.
Old business included reading thank you letters from Camp Smile, Camp Seale Harris, and You Are Family, for the monetary donations given to them by the Atmore Lions Club.
President Petty called for raffle tickets for the Alabama / Auburn game to be turned in to her by Monday. Volunteers were recruited for Taste of the South on September 19 and Williams Station Day on October 26. Lion Kenny Smith released the date of November 2 for the annual food drive to be held at Walmart’s parking lot. Lion Anne Hetzel made an announcement concerning Leadership Atmore’s project which is a box for American flags which need to be disposed of and has been placed behind the American Legion Building.
The next meeting will be held on September 18 at the hospital.