Headlines News

BOE’s split vote on WSNH video board raises eyebrows


News Staff Writer

In one regard, nothing earth-shattering happened during the Thursday, September 5, meeting of the Escambia County Board of Education. In another regard, something big did take place during the BOE session.

For the first time in more than a year, District 1’s Kevin Hoomes voted with District 2’s Danny Benjamin and District 3’s Mike Edwards on an issue. And for the first time in more than a year, District 7’s Coleman Wallace did not.

Wallace cast the deciding vote when he joined District 4’s Cindy Jackson, District 5’s Loumeek White and District 6’s Sherry Digmon in rejecting a proposal to spend $159,999 for an LED-video scoreboard for W.S. Neal High (WSNH) School Football Stadium.

When the proposed purchase — from Boostr Building Group LLC — was brought to the table, Benjamin spoke in favor of it, pointing out that such a scoreboard would be “a great thing for Neal High School.” He pointed out that the county’s other high schools — Escambia County High and Flomaton High — could also get one of the video boards in the future.

“It’s nothing but a plus for us,” he said.

Superintendent of Education Dr. Michele Collier told board members the school had raised $50,000 of the cost, that the school district would have to pay only $109,999.

Jackson was the first to question the purchase, pointing out that the expenditure represented “a lot of money for a video board that won’t be used but maybe six times a year,” and White, who is the BOE’s presiding officer, pointed out that the board needed to put its needs ahead of its wants.

“We have several needs, like bathrooms that are not handicapped accessible,” he said. “We need to focus on our needs. When we take care of our needs, we can move on to the wants of life. We need to get into a mindset where if we do something for one (high) school, we do it for them all. We’ve got to look at the big picture.”

A roll call vote was taken by Administrative Assistant Michelle Lucas. Hoomes, Benjamin and Edwards each voted in favor of the proposal, then Jackson, White and Digmon each voted against it. Wallace thought for a few seconds, then killed the proposal with his “no” vote.

In other business conducted during the meeting, BOE members:

*Observed a moment of silence for the victims of the September 4 shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia that left four people dead and nine others wounded.

*Approved an out-of-state trip for W.S. Neal’s wrestling team to attend a tournament in Vancleave, Miss. on December 30.

*Approved renewal for $13,414 of the Alabama Association of School Boards’s ATBE General Liability / Errors and Omissions Liability Fund for 2024-25.

*Approved a contract with Construction Managers for the demolition and build-out of interior partition walls at the county’s Alternative School (upper grades). The cost — $33,387.12 — will be paid from Advancement and Technology (A&T) funds. Plans are to temporarily move 300 students from Flomaton Middle School to the existing alternative school facility.

*Approved extension for one year of the 2023-24 transportation fuel bid (diesel and gasoline) with Southern Energy company.

*Approved the expenditure from A & T funds of $17,000 to pay for repairs to the football press box at ECHS’s Herbert Barnes Field. Deputy Director of Operations Shaun Goolsby said the repairs would include walls, floors, windows, insulation and “some safety-related” repairs.

*Agreed to conduct their September regular session on Thursday September 26, at 4 p.m., at the Central Office in Brewton. Public budget hearings will be held that same day — at 9 a.m. in Atmore and 2 p.m. in Brewton.

*Agreed to hold their October meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, in the Brewton Central Office.

* Approved the following personnel recommendations by Dr. Collier.

The following abbreviations are used:

Huxford Elementary School – HES

Rachel Patterson Elementary School – RPES

Escambia County Middle School – ECMS

Escambia County High School – ECHS

Flomaton Elementary School – FES

Flomaton High School – FHS

Pollard McCall Junior High School – PMJHS

W.S. Neal Elementary School – WSNES

W.S. Neal Middle School – WSNMS

W.S. Neal High School – WSNHS


1. Hope Moulton, 7-hour lunchroom worker, ECMS, effective Aug. 23, 2024

2. Tawana Jones, ELA teacher, ECMS, effective Aug. 30, 2024

3. Karen Coker, instructional aide, HES, effective Sept. 20, 2024

4. Haley Hadley, 6-hour lunchroom worker, WSNES, effective Sept. 5, 2024

5. Lauren Darden, Gifted Education Office of Special Education and Student Services, effective Sept. 19, 2024


1. Stephanie Spicer, part time math teacher, ECHS, effective Sept. 9, 2024

2. Courtney Mireles Fountain, special education aide, ECMS, effective Sept. 9, 2024

3. Guindolyn Cosey, special education aide, FHS, effective Sept. 6, 2024, replacing

Aundrea Beasley

4. Jennie Salgado, custodian, HES, effective Sept. 6, 2024, replacing Cierra Strehl

5. Brandy Lambeth, special education aide, PMJHS, effective Sept. 16, 2024, replacing HT Fountain

6. Arieyona Collins, elementary teacher, WSNES, effective Sept. 9, 2024, replacing Tracy McCurdy

7. Samantha Cash, office aide, WSNES, effective Sept. 23, 2024, replacing Hillary Durden

8. Casey Minchew, special education aide, WSNES, effective Sept. 9, 2024, replacing Jessica Godwin

9. Maci Roberts, elementary teacher, WSNMS, effective Sept. 6, 2024, replacing Mitzi Flanders

Employment change

1. Carol Coleman, from 6-hour lunchroom worker, FES, to 7-hour lunchroom worker, FES, effective Sept. 6, 2024, replacing Chrystal Purvis

2. Devony Bowden, from 7-hour lunchroom worker, FES, to lunchroom manager, PMJHSM, effective Sept. 6, 2024, replacing Jennifer Parker

3. Tammy Bonds, from teacher, WSNMS, to pre-k teacher, PMJHS, effective Sept. 23, 2024, replacing Cassady Lanier


1. Laila Warren, 7-hour lunchroom worker, from RPES, to ECMS, effective Sept. 6, 2024, replacing Hope Moulton


1. Aundrea Beasley, special education aide, PMJHS, effective Sept. 10, 2024