
Felony arrests

Woman charged with drug possession, DUI, other violations

News Staff Writer

The following felony arrests were reported by officers of the Atmore Police Department during the period August 27 through August 29:
CenKrystal Roberts


An Atmore woman was arrested August 29 after her vehicle was pulled over because she was driving erratically.
Police reports show that 40-year-old Cenkrystal Roberts was pulled over on Woods Road after an officer saw her “driving at an extremely slow speed and crossing over into the oncoming lane of traffic.”
As the officer questioned her, he noticed that Roberts was “speaking incoherently and was unable to retrieve any of the documentation the officer asked for.” She was also unable to perform several field sobriety tests.
A probable cause search of the vehicle led to discovery of a small amount of synthetic cannabis (Spice), and she was charged with possession of a controlled substance, driving under the influence of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, open container violation and driving while license is revoked or suspended.
Roberts remained in the Escambia County Detention Center (ECDC) early Tuesday, September 3.
Tobias Moore


An Atmore man was arrested August 29 on a felony drug possession charge after police responded to a report of a disorderly person inside a West Ridgeley Street business.
According to APD reports, Tobias Moore, 43, appeared to be “under the influence of some type of narcotic due to his strange behavior,” so he was “taken into custody for safety reasons.”
Officers found when they searched Moore a “small amount of a crystal-like substance that field-tested positive for methamphetamine.”
Moore was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance and public intoxication.
He was booked into the ECDC, where he remained early Tuesday, September 3.