
UB hosts Youth Ambassadors

Chamber Youth Ambassadors

Special to Atmore News

On Wednesday, August 14, United Bank hosted the Atmore Chamber Youth Ambassadors’ second group session.
The United Bank staff engaged in teaching the Youth Ambassadors vital life skills for workforce excellence. Youth Ambassadors sat through detailed training, learning skills on how to properly write a resume, professionally do interviews, and important information about credit and budgeting.
During the interview session, Ambassadors participated in a one-on-one in-person mock interview to evaluate their interview skills. After the interview session, Ambassadors were taught more about banking and even engaged in an activity of writing checks and deposits for learning experience.
We Ambassadors thoroughly enjoyed engaging in a fun and educational day, taking with us life lessons we are sure to use.
Youth Ambassadors would like to thank United Bank for their dedicated time in sharing their knowledge and experiences with us.