Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its first meeting of the new Lions Club Year on July 17, at the Mayson Auditorium in Atmore Community Hospital. President Lion Joyce Petty called the meeting to order and led the Pledge and blessing. Sheila Helton was introduced as a guest.
Brett Helton and Tristan McAnally reported that the softball tournament raised $7,513 which will be donated to St. Jude and Pilots for Christ. President Joyce asked for volunteers to help at the Back to School Boost this upcoming week and at Camp Seale Harris July 23. It was reported that a check has been sent to boy Scout Troop 26 to help with repairs on the Scout Hut.
In other business and announcements, Atmore Lions will be participating in Taste of the South on September 19, and Williams Station Day. Gregg Akins and Bub Gideons are attending the district cabinet meeting in Evergreen July 20. Joyce Petty and Nancy Karrick will represent Atmore at a training session in Montgomery, August 3.
Lion Renee Hardy introduced Sheila Helton, representing Atmore Area Christian Care Ministry, as the speaker. Helton used Bible verses Galatians 6:9, Matthew 11:28-30, and Isaiah 40:31 to demonstrate encouragement and appreciation to Lions for the work they do in the community and beyond and appreciation from Christian Care. Lion Renee Hardy presented Helton with a check to Atmore Area Christian Care Ministry.
Presentations were in order and Lion Gregg Akins, Lions secretary, presented past president Renee Hardy with a plaque expressing the club’s appreciation for a job well done as our president last year.
The next meeting will be on August 7.