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SCV camp, Canoe community working to replace historic marker

News Staff Writer

Members of the Canoe community and members of William Carney Camp of Sons of Confederate Veterans are working to replace the marker that relates the basics of the tiny hamlet’s history.
The original marker, erected in 2007 at the intersection of U.S. 31 and Baker Street, was recently torn from its framing when a local man, riding a Utility Terrain Vehicle (side-by-side), clipped it and ripped it from its pedestal.
“He hit it on the side, and it knocked the marker off,” said Carney SCV Camp member Kevin McKinley. “It broke at the pedestal. I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose, and it could have been a whole lot worse.”
McKinley said the UTV driver even volunteered to help pay for having a new marker created.
The cost of replacing the historic commemorative plaque is currently unknown, but McKinley said he’s pretty sure it won’t be cheap.
“It cost $2,600 when we ordered it in 2006,” he said, noting that copies of his book, Canoe: History of a Small Town, were sold to help raise the needed funds. “That was nearly 20 years ago, so I’m sure it’s a lot more than that now.”
McKinley said the William Carney Camp and the community would welcome any financial help that might be offered.
“Anybody who wants to help us with a donation can call me at 251-294-0293,” he said.