Atmore News

ACH adds new 3D mammography machine
3D mammography machine and mammographers Ashton Berglund and Priscilla Williams Special to Atmore News Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States, with more than 250,000 breast cancers diagnosed each year. When it comes to breast cancer, every patient and their loved ones are looking for personalized clinical care and technologies. That’s why Atmore Community Hospital (ACH) is offering two of the latest breast…
Local club hears about Lions Sight
From left, Lions Cody Davis, Kevin Garrett, Barry Elliot Atmore Lions Club President Renee Hardy called the October 4 meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and said the blessing. Barry Elliot and Cody Davis from Alabama Lions Sight were introduced as guests. Following a delicious meal of Chicken Parmigiana, Lion Hardy showed the members the cutting board the club received for Best Drink at Taste…
Lions reaching out with message
The Lions new brochure Special to Atmore News At their September 20, club meeting, Atmore Lions had an opportunity to see the new Atmore Lions Club membership recruitment tool, a brochure telling what Lions do in the community. Broken down into four parts, the pamphlet tells how Lions Serve, Fund their own projects, Learn, and Grow.Lions International focuses on vision care, diabetes, childhood cancer, and other humanitarian needs. The local…
Boyle attends ASHL meeting
Boyle attends ASHL meetingCharlotte Boyle attended the Alabama Silver Haired Legislature session in Montgomery October 1-4. The purpose of the ASHL is to inform the Alabama Legislature about elderly needs and issues of concern, and to serve as an educational organization for Alabama’s senior citizens. Shown at the meeting are members of District 8 and the speaker, from left, Betty Houston, Peggy Gomez, Speaker Steve Griffin, Charlotte Boyle, Violetta Simpson.
Ellison feted with surprise party
Enjoying the party, from left, Sandy Whittaker, Claudia Campbell, Betty Adams, Linda Ellison. Elaine Riley, Gay Drew By NANCY KARRICKSpecial to Atmore News Friday, October 6, was the date for a very special surprise for Linda Lumpkin Ellison. A retro birthday party was planned by Bonnie Latino and Nancy Karrick for their friend and childhood playmate Linda. The birthday girl was led to believe this was just an early Halloween…