Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its last meeting of August on August 16, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. Lion President Renee Hardy called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. The prayer was delivered by Gregg Akins. Ruth Robinson was introduced as a guest.
Following lunch, the business meeting consisted of reports from the MD 34 Leadership training August 5 in Montgomery, attended by Gregg Akins, Anne Hetzel, Katrinka Phillips, and Renee Hardy. Discussion was also held concerning helping the Leos at Escambia County High School so they could then help us with Atmore Lions Club projects. Participation at Taste of the South was explained as having a membership focus. Members were encouraged to participate in the Camp Seale Harris Diabetes Walk at OWA in March as well as Relay For Life in Atmore.
President Renee announced that the Lions International President presented the International President’s Leadership Award to Bub Gideons. This is the second highest leadership medal awarded to Lions.
Lion Brooke Marsh introduced Ruth Robinson, director of the Back to School Boost, as the program’s speaker. Robinson gave an excellent recap of the recent event which was held Escambia County Middle School, with over 240 families being helped with food, school supplies, and uniforms. Robinson said the mission of the organization was to make sure students have the necessary items with which to start the school year. Atmore Lions Club was a sponsor in the event with several members working as volunteers that day.