Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met Wednesday, July 20, at the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital. President Chuck Brooks presided.
Guests included Marlo Young and Jewell Lambert. Additional guests included Ashley Pharr who spoke to the group about Pilots for Christ and the mission they have. A video showing the program in action was also shown. Following her presentation, Lion Chuck presented Pilots for Christ with a check for $2,700 which was raised at the Lions Club Spaghetti Supper fundraiser held last month.
The day’s program was presented by another guest, Lion Dr. Alexandra Conniff from Eufaula. Lion Conniff is the Global Leadership Training District Chairman and gave an enlightening program on how the eyeglasses Lions collects are used in Mexico, using slides to demonstrate as she spoke. On their last trip to Mexico, Lions fitted over 18,000 pair of glasses.
July 26 is the day the Atmore Lions cooked and served at Camp Seale Harris, a camp for children with pediatric diabetes. August 2 is the date for an ice cream social to be held at the downtown boxcar. This will be a membership drive.