Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met on April 6, at Atmore Community Hospital. Lion Candace Wooten presided in the absence of the president and vice president. Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett gave the invocation after which the group said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Visitors Dirk Lindsey and Katrinka Phillips were recognized as was returning member John Brantley.
Jennifer Sanders was in charge of the program and she introduced Dirk Lindsey, President and CEO of Coastal Growers. Lindsey told the club of the history of the group and how it operates. He noted that there are 70 employees now with plans to have over 100. They do business in 11 countries on three continents, plus the United States.
Members were asked to sign up to sell mops and brooms at Mayfest and were reminded about the state convention April 28-May 1.