Atmore News

Teaming up to play Santa
From left, Heather McCall, Sheriff Heath Jackson, Superintendent Michele McClung By RANDY TATANOSpecial to Atmore News Santa’s helpers don’t always work at the North Pole. In this case they catch bad guys, teach school and fly airplanes. While making a lot of phone calls.A few weeks ago Brewton Aviation employee Ronald (“Nascar” Ron) Moye told company managers Freddy and Heather McCall he wanted to do a fundraiser for children who…
Advisors assist high school seniors with credentialing
School administrators worked with seniors across the district December 15. At Escambia County High School, Assistant Superintendent Sandra Reid, standing, is shown working with students, from left, Michael Johnson, Keturah Johnson, Charity James, Katelyn Johnson. By RANDY TATANOSpecial to Atmore News Right now there are 260 seniors at Escambia County’s three high schools. And when they return from Christmas break, every single one of them will be working with a…