Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held a Membership Drive Tuesday, November 2, from 4:30 to 5:30 at Gather.
The purposes of this meeting were to recruit new members and also to inform members of the Atmore community of some of the projects which the Atmore club participates in. The idea for the drive originated in July when Lions International encouraged a membership event after Covid since attendance at meetings suffered so much during the stay-at-home period. It gave local Lions a chance to present the five areas of focus of Lions – vision, diabetes, childhood cancer, hunger, and the environment. The Atmore group participates in activities which support each of these areas. In fact, they just recently finished a food drive for Atmore Area Christian Care Ministry.
Also present at the meeting was the new Lions Disaster Relief trailer which made its first appearance in Atmore and will probably be seen again at another Atmore function in the near future. It is one of three in the state which can be called up to help areas in need after disaster strikes and gives Lions another focus area where they can serve.
Twelve Atmore Lions met with the 14 prospective members who attended the meeting. They received membership information, had some delicious food, and had a chance to meet some of the club’s members and talk to those they already knew. Each was encouraged to find projects within Lions which interested them and volunteer to serve on those projects.