Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its monthly meeting on February 17 at Acapulco Restaurant. Lion President Brandy Giger called the meeting to order and Lion Kevin Garrett gave the opening prayer and blessing.
Lion Charlie Wigglesworth, incoming District Governor, was introduced as our guest. Lion Brandy presented an award to Lion Bub Gideons for sponsoring five new members. The president announced that the district meeting in March, which was to have been held in Atmore, will now be a zoom meeting, as will the state convention.
The largest fund-raiser for the Atmore Lions Club, the golf tournament, will be held Saturday, February 27, at the Atmore Country Club. A sign-up sheet was passed around for members to volunteer their time.
Before the meeting was adjourned, Lion Brandy announced the Lion of the Year as Mandie Thompson, and presented Lion Mandie with a plaque noting her accomplishment.