Headlines News

34 properties ‘vegetation nuisances’

News Staff Writer

Atmore City Council members voted unanimously during their Monday, September 14, meeting to give city codes enforcement officers the green light to begin the process of removing overgrown vegetation from 34 properties within the city.
Code Enforcement Officer Chris Black provided council members with a list of 34 properties that have been designated “vegetation nuisances.”
Those properties included one each on 7th, Carver and MLK avenues, and Ann, Ashley, Franklin, Harris, Hollis, Howard, Martin, May, Montgomery, Peachtree, South Presley and East School streets.
There were two properties each on Brown, Bullard, Maxwell, Perch streets, as well as three on Trammell Street and four each on Ridgeley Street, Trammell Street and Wilson Avenue.
“This is the first resolution, giving us authority to send notices and put signs in the yards,” Black explained. “After 21 days, the notices expire. Then we’ll come back asking for a second resolution giving us permission to mow the properties.”
The cost of eliminating the vegetative eyesores will be passed on to the property owners.
Black said the nearly three dozen properties are the remnants of a much longer list that was compiled more than two months ago. Most of the initial listings have been taken care of by their owners.
“We’ve been working this list since June,” he said. “We started out with 103 and we’ve whittled it down to this.”
In other business, the council:
*Tabled again the renewal of an agreement with Mediacom to provide cable television, internet and other services within the city.
*Set the city’s official Halloween observance for Saturday, October 31, from 5 to 8 p.m.
*Approved alcoholic beverage licenses for Express Mart 6, at North Main and Howard streets, and Express Mart 7, on West Nashville Avenue.
*Approved Cynthia Rodgers, Jo Barnett, Don Taylor and Darla “Totsie” Mims as poll workers for the October 6 District 5 run-off election.