Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital on February 19 with 25 members present. Lion President Bub Gideons opened the meeting and Kevin Garrett gave the invocation. Lion Bub led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Membership awards were presented to Stephen Van Pelt for 25 years of Lions membership. Certificates and pins will be presented to Rob Faircloth for 30 years, and Chris Walker and Alex Jones for 10 years. Allison Brown was pinned by Lion Bub as a new member, and Lion Nancy Karrick introduced Kevin Garrett as a new member who will be pinned at the next meeting.
Lion Brandy Giger gave a report on food serving at Camp Rap-a-Hope on February 23 and asked for volunteers to help serve the 300-400 people who are expected.
Lions were reminded about the District Convention which will be held in Atmore March 27-28 and were encouraged to volunteer to help with the Diabetes Strides Awareness Walk at 7 a.m. on March 28 at Rivercane. Volunteers were asked to help contact local businesses about support for the golf tournament to be held March 12 which supports a large number of Lions charities, including sight.
Lion Taylor Lee reported that seven Escambia County High School and three Escambia Academy students will be sent to the Alabama Lions Leadership training at Troy this summer. The large number from ECHS is because the Leo Club is active there. The Atmore Leo Club will be having their charter ceremony on February 20 at the high school.