News Sportswriter
Standing at a towering 6-5, J.U. Blacksher High basketball standout and 16-year-old junior, Ke’darieon (K.D.) Rabb is the talk of the small town of Uriah.
Over the past month Rabb has set two school records.
The first, announced January 12, was a new school record for points in a week (94). With the conclusion of last week’s games, staff at JUB confirmed that Rabb has 1,684 career points, also a new school record.
“I am very proud to hold the record,” Rabb said. “I want to represent my school and I am honored to be able to do something like that for the community.”
Rabb grew up in small-town Frisco City. At a very young age he fell in love with the game of basketball.
“I started off young,” Rabb explained. “I used to wake up early every morning and start dribbling a basketball. My family all played, and it was just destined for me to do.”
Rabb explained that he looked up to players like LeBron James, Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant.
Besides basketball, Rabb also has become a standout on the football field during his short time at J.U. Blacksher, leading his team as quarterback.
“I love all sports,” Rabb said. “I am actually going to be playing baseball this year, too. Coach has had me working in the bullpen some recently, so I may have a future as a pitcher.”
This upcoming baseball season will serve as a huge test for Rabb as he explained that he has never played baseball before this year.
“I am interested to see what is in store for me as a baseball player and I am up to the challenge,” Rabb said.
So far this season the Bulldogs are 20-3. Rabb has led the way, averaging 20 or more points per game.
Rabb explained that he is happy to be the leader of the team but wants to help motivate his teammates to follow suit.
“I feel like if I do my job, they will follow me,” Rabb said. “As long as I score, they will get their head in the game and do what they need to. I try to be the leader on and off the court. I want them to do everything that I do, better.”
Rabb explained that he tries to reflect a positive character on and off the court.
“It’s easy to get yourself in trouble,” he said. “I try to motivate my teammates to do the right thing and stay out of trouble. I want my teammates to stick together and stay away from negative influences.”
With a driving ability that shows during every game, Rabb admits that he needs to work on his mid-shots but boasts he can hit three-point shots all day.
With a long season in store every year, Rabb explained that J.F. Shields has been one of the very few opponents that has discovered a way to defeat the Bulldogs this season.
“In the end, we felt like we needed that loss,” Rabb explained. “It wakes you up and gets your head back into the game. It makes you realize that you are not unstoppable. In close games like this, I feel like superstar players should make superstar plays.”
For Rabb and the Bulldogs, the fairytale season is yet to be written. That hasn’t stopped him from setting personal goals.
As this interview was being conducted, representatives from University of South Alabama and Troy State University were discussing Rabb’s future with JUB head coach Wes Sims.
“I want us, of course, to win a state title this year,” Rabb said. “I also would like to score 3,000 career points before I graduate. Setting personal goals helps me keep my head on straight and be the player I need to be for my team, my coach, school and community.”
Rabb also explained that Sims serves as a major influence in his life, and as a father figure.
“It will be nice to achieve our goal of winning a state title,” Rabb said. “Our community, school and coach deserve it.”