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Honoring service to our country
By Congressman Bradley Byrne On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and officially adopted the Declaration of Independence. Signing this document was no easy task for the 56 signers. By lending their name to it, they were risking their personal safety, as well as that of their families. A number of the signers would also go on to serve in the Continental Army during the American Revolution.…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers As we take a mid-year look at Alabama politics, it has been an eventful first half of the year. It is not every year that a governor resigns mid-term. Governor Robert Bentley’s resignation from office on April 10 will more than likely be the most newsworthy story of the year. Bentley’s saga had begun 18 months ago. His troubles stemmed from his relationship with his primary and…
Saving the South by going south
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson As relations with Cuba began to soften, Alabama business folk began thinking of stuff we could sell to Cuba. Lumber. Poles. Wood chips. Paper products. Automobiles. Chicken. Chicken? Yep, chicken. Think about it. Alabama has lots of chickens. Cubans like chickens. Moreover, they prefer the dark meat. Most folks here prefer the white. Works out just fine. ‘Course there is another reason that Alabamians would…
Nokomis Baptist holding VBS
Registration is this Saturday, July 8, 10 a.m. to noon, for Nokomis Baptist Church Vacation Bible School. Bring your children to the church and sign up. Lunch will be served and children will enjoy face painting, games, cake walks and other activities. Vacation Bible School will be held Monday through Wednesday, July 10-12, 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., for ages 3 through 14. VBS Commencement will be held Sunday, July…