Atmore Area YMCA held its first powerlifting fundraiser on Saturday, February 25. Thirteen individuals competed in several weight classes, with two high school students taking part. The competitors hefted more than five tons of steel during the event, proceeds from which went to help fund various Y programs.
Some notes from the competition:
* Total weight lifted by all competitors (MAX lift in each event): 10,495 pounds.
* The only two student lifters represented Escambia County High School. Westley Johnson did well in squat (255 lbs.) and bench (245 lbs.) Seth Sheets also represented ECHS in the bench and lifted 225 pounds.
* David Williams, Super Heavyweight division, lifted a total of 1,485 pounds.
* YMCA Fitness Leader Andy Smart competed in the 242-pound class and lifted a total of 1,345 lbs., including a bench press of 410 pounds.
* Gordon Godwin (242-pound class) bench-pressed 405 pounds.
The event raised more than $800, which will be used to help fund various YMCA programs.
The Y still has some event t-shirts for sale at $7 each. They may be purchased at the local Y’s headquarters on Pensacola Avenue.
The powerlifting competition was jointly sponsored by Diamond Gasoline Products; ALTO Corporation; Coley Air Conditioning; United Bank; Baldwin Gulf Coast Pest Control; Pepsi Cola Bottling of Atmore; Escofab, Inc.; and PHD Realty.