Atmore News

Distracted driver
Disciplinary action pending after thrown batteries cause bus crash Firefighters examine injured students while police conduct the crash investigation. By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer Several Escambia County Middle School students suffered minor injuries, and at least one faces disciplinary action after a pack of batteries was thrown into the front of a county school bus Monday (April 17), distracting the driver and causing a minor crash.The mishap occurred around 3:20…
Who’s News?
By Atmore News Staff Raisin’ eyebrowsFormer Atmore News ad salesman and sportswriter Josh Frye is moving on up in his new career, as one of the most recent projects of which he was a part has raised some eyebrows in the movie industry. Josh was a production assistant on Jesus Revolution, a small-budget movie by Alabama-born Jon and Andrew Erwin that targets Christian audiences. The movie, shot in Mobile and…
Boyle attends ESGR meeting
Charlotte Boyle of Atmore attended the ESGR meeting at Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery, April 16 and 17. Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is the lead U.S. Defense Department program promoting cooperation and understanding between civilian employers and their National Guard and Reserve employees. Attending were, from left, Charlotte Boyle, Dr. Robert Barrow, Dr. William Kringel, Paul Worthy, chairman of District One, ombudsman; Warren Dailey, state chairman.
Good fishing at Steve’s Farm
From left, Randy McDuffie, Corey May, Alex Mondaca McDuffie with one of his catches Corey May News Staff Report The weather turned ugly Saturday afternoon, April 15, but before that happened, it was a fine day for a fishing tournament at Steve’s Farm in Walnut Hill.Dozens of folks – all ages – turned out to enjoy the day, and about 55 participated in the tournament.Top prize went to Randy McDuffie…