
Lions install new officers

Brandy Giger presents Bub Gideons with a plaque of appreciation.
New officers are, from left, front, Brandy Giger, Taylor Lee, Mandie Thompson, Renee Hardy; middle, Anne Hetzel, Anna Marie Gilchrist, Emily Dykes, Allison Brown; back, Yvonne Burrows, Bub Gideons, Nancy Karrick.

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club held its first meeting since mid-March on June 17, at the Atmore Country Club.
Lion Bub Gideons presided and welcomed guests, District Governor Yvonne Burrows, and her sister, Lion Ruth Rhodes, both from Eight Mile.
Lion District Governor Burrows installed the new officers:
President – Brandy Giger
Vice President – Renee Hardy
Secretary – Taylor Lee
Treasurer – Emily Dykes
Membership Chairman – Nancy Karrick
Service Chairman – Anna Marie Gilchrist
Eyesight Chairman – Mandie Thompson
Director – Anne Hetzel
Tail Twister – Bub Gideons
Lion Tamer – Allison Brown
LCIF Coordinator – Taylor Lee
The new president presented Past President Bub Gideons a plaque of appreciation for his service as president.